About Us


For more than 25 years we have been creating jewelry in our atelier in Barcelona. In our designs we look for a style that is original, easy to carry and at a price for all budgets. Good quality of course !!! :) 

About us - Omar, imported from Buenos Aires, is the heart of LoCuRa. He is in charge of logistics, workshop organization and most of the manufacturing. He is also the creator of the most geometric and linear collections. Omar is the father of two beautiful daughters and in his spare time loves to paint and sing tangos.

The other half of the team is Pia, a German with a Mediterranean spirit. She is the soul of our company. Pia is the creator of the most organic and natural designs apart from being in charge of the stores, physical and online. Her passions are design and art in all areas and research in personal growth. She is the mother of a son, who inherited her creativity by taking it to music. Inseparable from Pia is Yoshi, a beautiful Spanish water dog.

(In the image you can see a part of the family preparing the store after the confinement)

Our store in Barcelona - together with the workshop - is located in the heart of the colorful neighborhood of grace. The art district has a laid-back bohemian vibe that is unlike any other area of ​​the city. Strolling through the streets you discover original places and dozens of small bars and restaurants.

In our store we offer unique models, limited series and offers that you can not find anywhere else. We also exhibit works by other artists in many materials different.

If you pass through Barcelona do not hesitate to visit us.

The following video was filmed in our previous store. The location has changed, but not the way we work.

You can visit our current store here (Street view and 360º shop view)

F O L L O W • U S 
Do you like our designs? We want to hear from you! Follow us on Instagram @locura_cotidiana and show how you use your special #LoCuRa jewelry:) 
Workshop news on Facebook @ LoCuRa CoTiDiaNa 

E V A L U A T I N G • U S 
We are proud to have won the Top Ten Distinction from Trustami , obtaining 100% positive reviews from our clients in online sales. 

C O N T A C T • U S 
We are open to any query, suggestion or idea. 
Please contact us through info @ locuracotidiana.com



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